Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Walking with a Humble God

Somehow during this Triduum and Easter I kept being struck by the humility of our infinite God. A God who humbly impregnated God-presence by inserting it into “nothingness”, which became known as creation. God looked upon it and humbly recognized that it was good, because it was filled with Godness.

Then God manifested complete self-emptying by being one with Jesus, the Son, on the cross. Because God and the Son are infinitely one, it was God who walked the humiliation of Jesus’ last days and death on the cross.  It was God who always knew that only the complete self-emptying of Jesus’ death could yield a new creation, the resurrected “Christus”, Jesus Christ. When Jesus surrendered his Jesus-existence, he allowed the appearance of the infinite God-existence, Christ, the Resurrected One, to be revealed.  The death of Jesus’ earthly-reality birthed the full expression of God’s infinitely-accessible unconditional love. That surrendering also freed all who share “Godness” (i.e. all who are wounded, all of creation, the entire cosmos) to become self-emptying expressions of God’s unconditional love.  We’ve been given a Jesus-Script to walk this path of self-surrender to new birth.

It leaves me wondering at the end of each day, “When did you find yourself grateful for surprising expressions of God’s unconditional love and presence in creation, events and persons?”  “How have you self-surrendered to those in your midst today?” "How do you choose to walk authentically tomorrow?”

 Mary Rachel Kuebelbeck, OSB

Photo: Liturgy of Renewal of Baptismal Promises, dawn of Easter morning 2015, by Karen Streveler, OSB

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